Oct 7, 2013

'Tis the Season...

Happy Monday!! Hope you all had an amazing weekend. Mine was nice and quiet, nothing too crazy. Those chores that I spoke about Friday weren't bad. All about pacing yourself :)

So Sunday's sermon at my church helped put this season in my life into perspective. I'll briefly share what I got out of it. 

As some of you might know I've been unemployed since August and due to certain other factors I can't go back into the "common/traditional" workforce for a while. Not being able to work really did a number on my sense of identity as I was working in my field, and felt that I was well on my way on building my career. Clearly God has other plans and this "idle" season does serve a purpose. 

The preacher mentioned having the rug pulled from under your feet and being put in a position where no one but God can be given the glory for any success that comes your way. (Definitely what's happened to me). He went on to speak about Simon who had been unsuccessful in catching fish a certain night and when Jesus told him to throw in his nets one more time, he grumped about it but then threw in a net and had such a big catch that his net began to break. (Luk 5:1-11)
Courtesy of wekosh.com

The part that was revolutionary to me is that the pastor mentioned how Simon had to wash and clean his nets everyday, catch or no catch, which understandably must have been a tedious and boring task. However tedious this task was, if he didn't do it his nets would break due to poor maintenance. Good thing he did too so when Jesus called him, his nets could hold the catch and only break from the heavy load, not due to "malfunction". 

So where am I going with this? Though this season in my life may be "boring" and what I'm not used too, I need to remain faithful in this season, "wash my nets" and prepare myself for the blessing that's on its way. Cause when Jesus calls me, I'll be in the position to catch each and every blessing. I may not be fond of my current season, but I understand that it's building character. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar or uninteresting season in your life, don't worry, don't give up. It's only a season :)

Bless and Love Y'all!

Stay Pretty & Precious, 

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