Mar 12, 2013

What's Your Gift?

I've often asked myself this question without having an apparent answer. It's not always as clear-cut as a tangible gift like drawing, dancing, or playing basketball. Sometimes it's more subtle like a great comforter, listener, or counselor. 

If you've never taken the time to reflect on and realize what your gift is, I encourage you to do so. Your gift was given to you for a reason, a purpose, and part of living a fulfilled life entails honoring that gift. Whatever your gift is never diminish it or undervalue it because as much as it's for your gain, it will benefit the recipient of your gift also. 

 Once you know what your gift is, pursue it! It may be scary (as the unknown commonly is) however know that the provision is already there. Common belief may say "you can't make any money doing that", but don't believe the hype. The bible says "A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." (Prov 18:16) This implies that your place (room) on this earth is directly linked to your gift. I read somewhere that it's worth noting that the bible doesn't say "your education will make room for you..." but that's somehow what we have been dispositioned to think. 

I want for us to trust and believe in ourselves and trust that God knew what He was doing when He blessed us with our gift. Give it a try, take that leap of faith and live it out. Embrace and use your gift. The world, your world, will be a better place as a result.

Be blessed!

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