Jul 9, 2013

Why Be an Optimist?

Hey Blessed and Beloved daughter's of Christ! Hope you've had a wonderful day today.  I've spent quite a bit of time today meditating, praying and just thinking about where I am in life and God's will for it. 

Being honest, all that thinking brought on a bit of frustration over not being where I want to be. It had me thinking if I in any way have been in the way of my own success, have I gone about things the wrong way or have I not prayed hard enough for the changes I so desperately want?

Know how they say tough times build character and faith, or that there's a lesson to be learned from every situation? Well I want to learn the lesson already so that I can move to the next chapter/phase of my life, lol.

Courtesy of quotationaboutlife.com
I know frustration is normal, and I'm working on this patience thing y'all (God's not through with me yet, lol). However I was reminded that your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. ~Zig Ziglar 

I have to change my thinking and stay positive, not grow weary and know that all things work together for my good. 

A positive attitude will take you far, because that's what will keep you going. Having faith is having a positive attitude. You can't have faith that it's gonna be alright, while in the same breath have a negative attitude towards your situation. 

Do we have those grey days when it seems like it's all going down the drain in a hurry? Yes of course! So shed your 2 tears of frustration, cry out to God, and then allow His spirit to comfort you and get back God's perspective on your circumstance, a perspective that only has a positive outcome.

Got your sights set high on what you want out of life? Then you've gotta have the attitude to match!

Bless & Love Y'all!

Stay Pretty & Precious, 

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