Jun 15, 2013

His word is True

Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend thus far.  Summer weather is finally here and the neighbourhood has come to life. People you hardly see all year are now out on their porches, people grooming their yard, mowing their lawn. Oh, I love the smell of newly cut grass. I know, I'm weird, lol.

My one year old is finally getting a hold of this walking thing. It's cute watching him stumble around and learning to find his balance. He's getting the hang of it though.

Other than basking in the sun today, I took a little time out to recharge my batteries, spiritually and physically. I hardly ever get the chance to take a nap, but today I did and it felt so good.  I also took some time to seek God. I asked Him for a word that I could cling to, and He gave me not only one, but 3 scriptures. 

Do you know how comforting and reassuring it is to ask for a word, and receive that perfect word? Try it, try Him, cause He listens and will deliver. And it feels awesome knowing He already has a word, an answer, for all that we'll ever face.

So my tip for today, seek His word for you. And when you find it, hold on to it like your life depends on it. Read it, claim it, and watch it come to pass. Let your life be a living testimony that His word is tried and true :)

Bless and Love Y'all!

Stay Pretty & Precious,

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