Sep 23, 2013

Wait on the Lord

Good morning my beautiful readers!! Yes, I know, it's bright and early on a Monday morning, lol. I've come to realize though that my internet hick-ups seem to happen in the evening which was my previously preferred time to blog. Not one to be defeated, (cause this blog is going to continue come hell or high water, lol), I'm switching up my schedule; so early mornings it is :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. First day of fall was upon us, and here in Toronto the weather certainly got the memo as a scarf and jacket were definitely needed to keep me warm. Then again I'm anemic and freeze rather easily, lol. 

So on Saturday I was talking about patience, and basically how I need it. Have no problem waiting, not much else I can do, however not sure I'm patiently waiting. More like waiting and complaining in the process, lol. But then this morning I came across this picture on Instagram and it put the biggest smile on my face. 

I knew I wasn't alone in this waiting game but it kind of put things in perspective. I haven't waited anywhere near 40 years so I guess I'm good, lol. 

If you too are out there waiting on God's promises to be manifested in your life, I hope this can encourage you as it did me. God has not forgotten you. He created you and knew you by name before you were formed in your mothers womb. His plans for your life still stand. Don't give up!

Have a wonderful day!

Bless & Love Y'all!

Stay Pretty & Precious, 

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