Aug 1, 2013

Know His Word - Know His Power!

Yesterday I touched on the topic of challenging our faith in order to grow our faith. And this morning my devotion I get through my email had the scripture Mark 12:24 which says:

"Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the scripture, nor the power of God?"

I really felt targeted because I know I'm guilty of not reading the word as much as I should. So how exactly can my faith grow? Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God! That's the solution right there to grow my faith. Because the enemy knows this, I think is the reason why a lot of us struggle in this area. Reading a novel cover to cover? No problem. Reading 2 chapters of the bible, and our minds wandered off half way in, worse yet, our eye lids become heavy as lead.

Knowing the power of God is directly linked to knowing His word, which in turn is linked to your faith. It all goes together. What struck a nerve with me is that the power of God is so immense, that if we truly knew this and acted like we knew this, we wouldn't complain as much, doubt as much, or worry as much. The only reason we do all of this is because we haven't got to know the true power of God and what He can do. 

I don't know about you, but I want to see God's power at work in my life. I want to experience His greatness, moving mountains, opening doors, restoring life, and just opening the windows of heaven. I don't want Malachi 3:10 to be a nice poem I can recite. I want it to be real in my everyday life. 

If you're somewhat like me and know that you could stand to benefit from reading a bit more of His word, try your hardest to schedule bible reading time. If reading it on the Bible App, on the subway, on your way to work is what works best for you, then so be it. As long as you're reading.

I think if we take heed to this and truly make the effort, then challenging our faith won't be much of a challenge :)

Bless & Love Y'all!

Stay Pretty & Precious, 

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